If Stripes and Mexican want to meet, we can ride together. I am 1 mile from 35w at North Tarrant Pkwy. If not, I'll ride down on my own.
You are welcome to join the caravan!! It will be me and my wife, Fred and his wife will make a pit stop here and will pick up Stripes on our way there, Watcher was going to stop by also, will see who shows up at the last minute, plan on leaving Tulsa friday around 7am, pick up Stripes around 10 or 11 and go from there
Just found out from Nolton that the cabins will be availabel at 2pm friday, we are planning on getting there around 5 unless Stripes and the rest of the caravan already made other plans:)
I cant make it wish I could would rather be there than where I'm going
I think I may be able to get rid of the backrest. ;)


"Getting off" and falling off would definitely be two different issues.
You are welcome to join the caravan!! It will be me and my wife, Fred and his wife will make a pit stop here and will pick up Stripes on our way there, Watcher was going to stop by also, will see who shows up at the last minute, plan on leaving Tulsa friday around 7am, pick up Stripes around 10 or 11 and go from there
I am flexible. However, it is a good 6 hour drive from Denton. I would like to get under way by 10 or 11. MB will be taking her car. I may get her to pull a trailer for just in case. Hopefully the super charged 06 will be ready by then.
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I am going to go. I do not think my wife will be able to attend. Stripes, if you want to leave earlier, let me know. We can go anytime on Friday. If you want to wait for the others, I am fine with that too. Just let me know.

I plan to wash and wax the Beast (Thatcher, the Iron Lady) this weekend so she looks pretty.
The Rocket is bad sick so I've got to find time to trailer it to Dallas. A family friend is flying in Saturday so my trip was gonna be short anyway. I hope you all have an awesome time!