RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

I hope you get well snuff in time to make this Steve, even if you just roll in Friday eve (since that’s when I’ll roll in :D)

Gratitude for the sentiment, Clint!
Tis about a 2300 mile one way jaunt for me.
If can't spend as much quality time as possible with my brother riders, it just be too far & expensive to travel for just a short visit.
Better weather in Leakey??? :D
More fake news from the left :p
I’m right wing. I’m Christian.
I’ve posted way too many posts when drunk and will again :D
My Christian faith is all about salvation that I do not earn or deserve, since I posess a sin nature as we all do, I will continue to have the need to confess my sins and move on. Not that drinking is a sin. That’s for the “religious” of which I’m not.
Let’s drink........ and bring some mosquito spray for all of us heathens :whitstling: ;)

Gratitude for the sentiment, Clint!
Tis about a 2300 mile one way jaunt for me.
If can't spend as much quality time as possible with my brother riders, it just be too far & expensive to travel for just a short visit.
Better weather in Leakey??? :D

Would love to do Leakey again. Life may prevent me from being able to afford to go this year but it sure should happen, say last weekend if Oct like year before last. That was perfect weather for it

Pay attention, Pie-Man.
We been doing Leakey runs for years.

Texas flat. Smokey Mountains not flat. Why leave here for there ? Now if you mentioned Amarillo. Before I expire I would love to come back to Montana. Someday Bull, someday.
Texas flat. Smokey Mountains not flat. Why leave here for there ? Now if you mentioned Amarillo. Before I expire I would love to come back to Montana. Someday Bull, someday.

HA! HA! Here is a little story for ya . . .
Having been to Texas a few times on business and for school at A&M, when I first heard of a Leakey run a few years go I said the exact same thing!
The gathering of so many fine forum brothers finally enticed me to go for the Comradery if nothing else.
For you see: I am a mighty, world renown, national class cross-country rider of our land with 68 years riding and 56 years licensed roadway experience! :rolleyes: :roll:
I know these things because I have ridden these things - most all of the best twisties, including the Smokeys, Ozarks, Rockies and Dragon. :rolleyes: :roll:
Well, my secretive friend, the Texas hill country was some of the best and challenging twisties I have ever ridden! - No poop!
So good I hesitated not deciding to do it again the following year.
$uck yes. I'm in for Leaky. Last weekend in Oct.? Done deal for me. :):):):):):):):):):) loved the ride down and back. Lets get another one of those big cabins. That was a blast. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: