RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

Dude there is a Sprint real close to you if all else fails ride it. I showed up at Lupe's on one before.
All the mosquitoes in Oklahoma are right wing Christians. If you drink enough beer they will not bite you. It is against their religion to get drunk and have a good time. Really.

More fake news from the left
I’m right wing. I’m Christian.
I’ve posted way too many posts when drunk and will again
My Christian faith is all about salvation that I do not earn or deserve, since I posess a sin nature as we all do, I will continue to have the need to confess my sins and move on. Not that drinking is a sin. That’s for the “religious” of which I’m not.
Let’s drink........ and bring some mosquito spray for all of us heathens
Figured that would get a rise out of somebody.
I understand illness. We should have sipped together by now. The mighty Mississippi seems to be keeping us at a distance.
A M E N and well said.
I understand illness. We should have sipped together by now. The mighty Mississippi seems to be keeping us at a distance.

We shall see the day . . . soon I hope!
BTW - I have lost my soap dope - what is her web site?

I've had this before. Since my pulmonary embolism from a serious motor crash back in 87, I have dealt with this $hit. I shall persevere, just have to be more cautious now at 72 years.
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