@Tbirdgirl Christine is over here for a visit and flop.
She rode her Roadster all the way from Ogden, UT to Vancouver, BC by herself for her 40th school reunion!
We tTinkered around with her 2011 R3R some today and I saw her peg feelers were ground down!
She was a good rider on that T-Bird but this is impressive to me!
Hey Wilson @smokit2 you keeping up with your Roadster wife OK?
Oh $hit! Just returned from the doc.
Been down with flu/cold & concerned about Sunday's launch to OK.
Diagnosis walking pneumonia. Told to stay in and rest.
0 for the last 2 runs!
A few more cancels and I'll be in @sonny class!
Oh $hit! Just returned from the doc.
Been down with flu/cold & concerned about Sunday's launch to OK.
Diagnosis walking pneumonia. Told to stay in and rest.
0 for the last 2 runs!
A few more cancels and I'll be in @sonny class!
Oh $hit! Just returned from the doc.
Been down with flu/cold & concerned about Sunday's launch to OK.
Diagnosis walking pneumonia. Told to stay in and rest.
0 for the last 2 runs!
A few more cancels and I'll be in @sonny class!
Oh $hit! Just returned from the doc.
Been down with flu/cold & concerned about Sunday's launch to OK.
Diagnosis walking pneumonia. Told to stay in and rest.
0 for the last 2 runs!
A few more cancels and I'll be in @sonny class!
Can autonomous A. I. computers generate conversation based on topic and historical data ? I'm beginning to believe that Le Bull may be a machine and not a human at all. "It" functions in electronic media and even places orders for soap but is "It" real ? If we hold one of these shindigs in your front yard would you come outside ?
Oh $hit! Just returned from the doc.
Been down with flu/cold & concerned about Sunday's launch to OK.
Diagnosis walking pneumonia. Told to stay in and rest.
0 for the last 2 runs!
A few more cancels and I'll be in @sonny class!
Oh $hit! Just returned from the doc.
Been down with flu/cold & concerned about Sunday's launch to OK.
Diagnosis walking pneumonia. Told to stay in and rest.
0 for the last 2 runs!
A few more cancels and I'll be in @sonny class!