RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

Ok, me & an amigo just reserved a room for Friday nite, will leave after work & try to roll in about 9ish - ride with ya'll Saturday, & will have to leave Sat eve - better than nothin I reckon - exited to see my peeps!
Great news!!!, little time is better than no time:thumbsup:
Last time I saw you FATBOY you took the FATBOY crown away from the other FATBOY :eek::D:roll::p:p:p:p
Ready to roll. Did a little bit of work to the lady today. That is my bike not the b#itch (Fiat) More than ready to go. o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
Worked like a dog today on the fiat. Got a guy out of Shawnee that says he can take me. Like to see that:coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee: Good money riding on it. Figured might as well get the ***** up. It's all good. Next Friday at the drags in OKC. Not the legal stuff either. Been awhile since a challenge :rolleyes::oops::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Bring it:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: