RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

Naw, not equal - uh uh

Once in the familia = always in the familia!
Ok guys, will regretfully not be attending. Met with the surgeon this morning and will be getting first knee replaced in October. Will have extensive work ups with quite a few other medical referrals in preparation and to get clearance for the surgery. I have a little bit of a risk factor going on. Will follow with second knee 90 days later, hopefully. Should ready to go and get back on the road for long range touring in the spring. Next year will be a good riding year. This has not been my year.

Get well and get ready for next year
Mike, once you have had the knee replacements, make sure you follow the physio aftercare and religiously exercise the joints. Met a couple of guys who were in at the same time as me - failed to follow the regime and are now suffering big time!! Got my second knee to be done January time. I put it off until the quiet period at work! Good luck

Will not be an issue with me. I've been planning this for 4-5 years and am well aware of the importance of following the exercises so I'll be all over that. We also belong to a local swimming pool. I was a long time swimmer/surfer/water skier and know how beneficial it can be for post-replacement therapy.

Still, even though I've got a fairly high pain threshold, I'm not looking forward to this.

What was the time frame between your first and second surgery? Some do one knee and find it so miserable that they won't do the second. I have no choice since both are equally shot.

I have friends my age who are broken down and will do nothing about it. I tell them that I've lived a very active life and no matter what the temporary pain, cannot contemplate living the rest of my life as a broken down old codger, unable to tour the world on two wheels like I've done for so many years.

A question I do have is for biker's like us. A guy told me today that he still can't lean on his knee after about a year, as in leaning over on a stationary bike, which is a misery now for me. So is that an issue? I want to be riding the highways and byways in the spring once again.

Down with kick - unass the bike - bend over - watch out for Dave @scot in exile!!!
I was told I needed both 11 or 12 years ago, was all set todo it when Iretired, but then found that not working on them 40 hours a week made a huge difference, I can live with them a bit longer, but pretty soon I'll have to.