Thanks gents. Mine knees are both shot from 35 years in the Navy, running/standing on steel flight decks and what all. I've been putting the surgery off for the last 3-4 years, getting Cortisone shots every six months, which used to for six months.
I got both knees shot up in May of 2015 and rode to the Arctic Circle in June and felt great the whole time. The stuff no longer works though, as expected, and the last six months have been miserable. I've had to rely on Claviger and 1olbull/brother Dan to help me with my Rocket mods, which I hate to have to do. That's what friends are for though I suppose when the chips are down.
Seeing the doc to set everything up this coming Thursday.
Would love to ride the RAA and am trying to sort this out. Celebrex and Voltarin Gel are my good friends for now. I'm thinking I could drive all the way and with my Rocket friends helping me unload the BMW at the motel to do the rides. I'll sort things out with 1obull.
Would include a stopover with Lupe and his lovely bride for that Mexican dinner we've discussed over the last few years.