RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

In a separate thread Joesmoe and other Virginia captain's look at the possibilities of an RAA around the Front Royal area in 2019. Now, back to Oklahoma y'all. Sorry to hijack MOMENTARILY.
In a separate thread Joesmoe and other Virginia captain's look at the possibilities of an RAA around the Front Royal area in 2019. Now, back to Oklahoma y'all. Sorry to hijack MOMENTARILY.
No such thing as a hijack my rebel friend, when time comes post the dates and location and start the planning:)
Looks like @1K9 really enjoyed West Virginia
Ah, I remember that fondly -- not *west* Virginia -- Just Fancy Gap, VA -- though not so fond of the gravel road - built some character that week, and oh so inspirational around the good riders and wonderful people.
i was the one looking at adventuring through Georgia, Mississ...., Louisianna, Texas, then i was looking at the temperatures, yeaaaa, i'm thinking this might be more of a spring/fall adventure, that is some crazzy a$$ heat, and it looks like it is going to be going on for weeks, i would ask how you handle that heat, but i guess it would be like me being quite comfortable in -20 - -40 weather here