RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

What are the day rides?
Have you Google Mapped them?
friday, saturday and sunday, i have not google them but i will do that this weekend and will ride them saturday and sunday to make sure, did you ride the Talamina last time you were around here?
friday, saturday and sunday, i have not google them but i will do that this weekend and will ride them saturday and sunday to make sure, did you ride the Talamina last time you were around here?

Indeed! I have been to the Ozarks four times to ride motor.
My Cuz, Rudy, from Enid will be with me. You may remember him from our Montrose RAA.
I prefer the Talimena Scenic Dr over the BRPW.
A couple shots on it - Rudy in background.

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Indeed! I have been to the Ozarks four times to ride motor.
My Cuz, Rudy, from Enid will be with me. You may remember him from our Montrose RAA.
I prefer the Talimena Scenic Dr over the BRPW.
A couple shots on it - Rudy in background.

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Is Rudy the 7 feet tall guy that rides the 5 feet tall beemer?
Is Rudy the 7 feet tall guy that rides the 5 feet tall beemer?

Rudy is my height, 5-11, but he is all legs with a short body - the opposite of me.
I couldn't even get on that GS 1200 of his!
that sucks I booked my vacation to early, was thinking of riding down through Georgia, Mississippi, Louisianna, and Texas, next week, although looking at the temperatures, i might end up melting. might have to try and convince my boss I need another week off in Sept for this