RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

Hope everything goes good, weather you can make it or not :D
So Harrison AR June 23? I can get there, no problem (from Iowa). I love riding around the Ozarks and Ouchita Mts. Can I join? Is this for 3-4 days then back to Harrison at the end of a day's ride? Or traveling onward to see places like Eureka Springs and Pig's Trail?
So Harrison AR June 23? I can get there, no problem (from Iowa). I love riding around the Ozarks and Ouchita Mts. Can I join? Is this for 3-4 days then back to Harrison at the end of a day's ride? Or traveling onward to see places like Eureka Springs and Pig's Trail?
Ofcourse you can join, the more the merrier 😁 See you there!!!
Pigtrail and Eureka are on the schedule
Cool. Thanks Man. Sounds like a blast. So Harrison Days Inn... how many nights should I book? And do you all like having a beer after a good day's riding?
I have to give you a fair warning; Once you come to the first one, you will be addicted, this is a great group of guys and girls, we ride together allover the US, before you know it, you will be planning your vacation time around RAA, (Rockets Across America) the same thing i been doing for 15 years:D
There will be people there since the 20th but us mere mortals that have to work will show up the 22nd after noon:D
I have to give you a fair warning; Once you come to the first one, you will be addicted, this is a great group of guys and girls, we ride together allover the US, before you know it, you will be planning your vacation time around RAA, (Rockets Across America) the same thing i been doing for 15 years:D
There will be people there since the 20th but us mere mortals that have to work will show up the 22nd after noon:D
This is exactly what I've been looking for! I had a little group of 6-8 guys at work but they've all grown out of the hobby for whatever reason. I've done the Smoky Mountains, Eureka Springs, Black Hills, portions of the Great River Road along the Mississippi, Duluth Minnesota... all with some or all of that group. But I'm the only one left and I still want to do so much more. Thank you so much for welcoming me!
At the beginning of thread theres a list, and dates, and accommodations. Its been updated professionally. Its always a good time, but I’ve learned some come a few days earlier and some stay a few days later.