Final word on shirts...

The shirts are now all gone. I did my best to make sure that any extras were distributed fairly and the last two will be headed out in the mail today. If anyone is interested I can post the contact info for the guy that made them up and you can contact him directly if you would like to order one as he should still have the artwork.
Sounds like a lot of hard work--thumbs up. Could you post that contact info. It would be cool to show. I Think mine is the only R3 in eastern Idaho. I hope I'm wrong.
I got a small for my wife, she liked it, but said it was a little tight in the chest. I said, well, could be the fact that it's on backwards. She said how can you tell it's backwards? I said, well, the pocket in the middle of your back would be the first clue.....o_O
I got a small for my wife, she liked it, but said it was a little tight in the chest. I said, well, could be the fact that it's on backwards. She said how can you tell it's backwards? I said, well, the pocket in the middle of your back would be the first clue.....o_O
the second clue would be?