Shirts will be in Montrose. For those of you that can't make it PM me your address and I will try to remember how to log onto my Paypal account. Everyone who wants one will get one until they are gone. If you want one and your name isn't on the list I suggest you put it there now or no guarantees.
When you get your PayPal address sorted out let me know.
Space on my motor while traveling is always a problema for me.
If possible, I'd like to pay you for the four shirts I ordered PLUS shipping and have them sent here.
No problem. I started my two weeks off yesterday and I survived the B'day debauchery last nite so I should have time to take care of the order today or tomorrow
No problem. I started my two weeks off yesterday and I survived the B'day debauchery last nite so I should have time to take care of the order today or tomorrow
Please let me know the shipping, Amigo.
Gratitude for doing all this!
Just a status check - we be still on for the BBQ blow out on Monday evening, June 23 at Montrose?
Please let me know the shipping, Amigo.
Gratitude for doing all this!
Just a status check - we be still on for the BBQ blow out on Monday evening, June 23 at Montrose?