RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

Yep. DriveNC-
All roads in Western North Carolina should be considered closed.
I-40 and I-26 are impassable in multiple locations.
Travel in this area for non-emergency purposes is hindering needed emergency response.

Of course my hotel is nonrefundable. I’m going to call them and see what they say.
Right now every road is closed to everyone but emergency crews. I talked to an electrical lineman who told me they had 20,000 extra linemen in Florida and 0 in North Carolina. Sparky may some insight on this.

You may not be able to get through as there is almost 0 communication available.
You could ask for a credit to used later. This natural disaster should call for flexible arrangements.
If they can't provide you with a room, I don't see how (or why) they would charge you.
Jeez. I feel bad for you guys. At least it happened before you were there and not while you were there.

-Maybe head out that way next year...
I got a feeling this is going a very long rebuild. Lots of business's will probably never be rebuilt.