Sorry all, been away from site for awhile. Recently read about the gathering in Richwood WV in June. It so happens that I am with a party of six riders including 3 Canadians and we were planning a trek down into West Virginia. The Canadians ride other brands nbut are good guys and excellent riders. One of our group Jim Hebert long time R3 owner (Nickle Jim for those who remember from Americade Salvo days) told me about your get together. SO we'll be joining you on Thursday and Friday June 11th and 12th. ALso included with Jim will be 'Yogi' Craig Henninger. Craig and I have bought the new 2500CC R3's so we'll probably be on those steeds. Look forward to meeting new friends and seeing old freinds as well.

Sorry all, been away from site for awhile. Recently read about the gathering in Richwood WV in June. It so happens that I am with a party of six riders including 3 Canadians and we were planning a trek down into West Virginia. The Canadians ride other brands nbut are good guys and excellent riders. One of our group Jim Hebert long time R3 owner (Nickle Jim for those who remember from Americade Salvo days) told me about your get together. SO we'll be joining you on Thursday and Friday June 11th and 12th. ALso included with Jim will be 'Yogi' Craig Henninger. Craig and I have bought the new 2500CC R3's so we'll probably be on those steeds. Look forward to meeting new friends and seeing old freinds as well.

Awesome.Make your reservations and we shall see y'all then.
I hope I haven't missed out; is there a t-shirt for RAA East this year? I see one for RAA West.