Ya Arkansas was ok. The dump closed, oops hub but the area was nice , now that im better at the twisties it might be worth another shot. It's just to bad there is so much flat land between the Appalachians and the Rockies. I must admit from the satellite view it looks like the sisters need augmented
You guys and gals who all tucked into Glens and Clints fine BBQ and said you really enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!! well where do you think the stuffing, seasoning and special sauce came from no need to thank me I am glad you enjoyed it.
I just made my reservation...arrive Thursday and depart Monday. There are only a couple of bottom floors left, but 16 second floor rooms are availabl . Better reserve your room soon...Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Yes sir Stearns not Slade, slade was RAA IV if I remember correctly and boy was that a good one in fact we scared off a few members who attended Slade .