I sure enjoyed tha RAA we had in Arkansas.
Missouri I would likely make.
Ya Arkansas was ok. The dump closed, oops hub :) but the area was nice , now that im better at the twisties it might be worth another shot. It's just to bad there is so much flat land between the Appalachians and the Rockies. I must admit from the satellite view it looks like the sisters need augmented :)
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I just made my reservation...arrive Thursday and depart Monday. There are only a couple of bottom floors left, but 16 second floor rooms are availabl . Better reserve your room soon...Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I need a bottom floor making reservations tonight when wife gets back from the casino. No way am i climbing stairs drunk. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
The offroading at Slade was G-R-E-A-T just ask Kid,Ski or Warp they will all agree with me.
Not sure what you mean about slade. Could you mean Stearns Kentucky.