RAA East 2020 West Virginia

Paul; The original projections were sooo far off that it has placed doubts in the minds of the people about the strategies implemented nation wide.

The chatter style of the propaganda sources is making them loose credibility to the detriment of the safety of the country. There is no limit to the meanness and the madness. It's like a Tarantino movie, Kill Trump and his efforts at any and all costs. At times it is meaner that the virus taking sides with the CPP against our President.

Dr. Fauci's overprotective posture of the WHO placed him in the hummm? list with me. The CPP is withholding materials and reagents essential to our testing efforts! why? What kind of people do that? We are in a global chemo-pharma war with those people. Why were we contributing money to a chineze lab searching for pathogens that could kill humans?

Also; has anyone tried to explain why NY and NJ viral impact and virulence has been soo drastically different that the west coast? It is like they got hit by a different strain of virus. This thing attacks people so differently that it looks like there is more that one strain going around. I would not be surprised.

We have to be able to go out taking precautions. I have weaknesses, so I am hypervigilant. I was before all this and still caught Influenza a few months back, right before the CCP Virus appeared. Probably will bring the Yukon and shelter in it to rest. The trip is too long for a day drive. My greatest concerns are gas pumps, public restrooms and motel rooms. I am going to assume that anyone that decides to go has no symptoms or has not been around anyone who has and that they will take precautions during travel.

Ill see what the viral load is like in four weeks and if the lodge will be open. As far as food, Im driving and bringing my own food. Don't eat or drink much these days.

This might be the first and last time that Ill get to ride that far east portion of the BRP and the Smokeys. Getting old and weak fast. Perhaps my Dr. will Rx me a hydrochloroquin-Zmax cocktail for the trip or the after the trip weeks.

Ok, Im done, taking the bike out before the rains come.
Its really strange to see US response to this

I work with a team of about 600 people around the world, in China, Japan, Europe and they are all in same boat and they are dealing with lockdown and trying to get on with their lives and jobs .
I have folks in Sofia in Bulgaria where the city is in lockdown to avoid Covid (So far they have stuff well under control) and although the population is hurting they are doing what they need to do and the people are regarding it as their patriotic duty to keep the country safe

Meanwhile in US people are still debating if it is real and it is a political rather than medical issue

I already know folks here in NC who were convinced that this was a hoax and have now lost loved ones

There are a lot of older riders in this forum and there are folks like yours truly who are immuno-suppressed after cancer and transplant surgery who are more vulnerable to this sort of thing.

We are all adults and need to make our own decisions - but when you make a bad decision going into a corner too fast you may just wipe yourself out, whereas with this thing a bad decision could take other folks with you

Nuff said but this one transcends politics