RAA East 2020 West Virginia

Ok I’m out. I’ll do my best to avoid all Covid threads and comments.
Stats according to the tracker website - Coronavirus Update (Live): 1,282,040 Cases and 70,172 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer - the level of infections and deaths caused in the USA are far greater than you have listed and is a very worrying scenario. I've been following this for several days now and it is indeed alarming.
Ok. We are still in for this RAA.I was just passing along this message from Mike.I do agree that time will tell.I don't mind packing a sandwich for lunch and the gas stations are still open for gas.I reckon what it really comes down too is if the hotel stays open or not.
We still have time so let's just hope this passes and we get back to normal real soon.In the meantime Ime still gonna ride.