Hello everyone. I have been talking to a few people that I know who live in and around West Virginia. They have been keeping me informed on what is going on there. A LOT of places are closed or on a Limited schedule due to no business due to the ***** Chinese Corona Virus. Including gas stations, restaurants, stop spots & visiting & sightseeing areas. I will come to a decision by the End of April. But so far a few have gotten in touch with me asking for it to be delayed to September or next June. If any thing to be safe I think next June would be best. I'll find out with Motel what can we do. If any one wants to place there opinion you can do it here or you can reach me also. Good luck everyone keep safe & healthy
Hello everyone. I have been talking to a few people that I know who live in and around West Virginia. They have been keeping me informed on what is going on there. A LOT of places are closed or on a Limited schedule due to no business due to the ***** Chinese Corona Virus. Including gas stations, restaurants, stop spots & visiting & sightseeing areas. I will come to a decision by the End of April. But so far a few have gotten in touch with me asking for it to be delayed to September or next June. If any thing to be safe I think next June would be best. I'll find out with Motel what can we do. If any one wants to place there opinion you can do it here or you can reach me also. Good luck everyone keep safe & healthy
That is per Kooler.
Y'all decide what you want to do.
We did ride today and around here as far as food goes while out riding you can do drive thru only.Makes it hard on a bike.
Hello everyone. I have been talking to a few people that I know who live in and around West Virginia. They have been keeping me informed on what is going on there. A LOT of places are closed or on a Limited schedule due to no business due to the ***** Chinese Corona Virus. Including gas stations, restaurants, stop spots & visiting & sightseeing areas. I will come to a decision by the End of April. But so far a few have gotten in touch with me asking for it to be delayed to September or next June. If any thing to be safe I think next June would be best. I'll find out with Motel what can we do. If any one wants to place there opinion you can do it here or you can reach me also. Good luck everyone keep safe & healthy

Wendy; nothing like good judgment, specially when precious lives are at stake. Let's live to ride another day.

Today I took the bike out for the last time until this passes. It was a somber ride. I hope that I survive and get to see my biker gang friends again.
It is barely April and June is not here let’s sit tight and wait and see.

Sit tight alright but at home. You might be sitting on the edge of the storm but it will hit your territory too. We are still going to be undertaking the lost ones in June. Our best hopes right now are with our President and his staff continuing to manage this brutal event and then it's financial sequelae. Good luck and stay inside brother. Let the man in black robes skip your house and just fly over you.
Sit tight alright but at home. You might be sitting on the edge of the storm but it will hit your territory too. We are still going to be undertaking the lost ones in June. Our best hopes right now are with our President and his staff continuing to manage this brutal event and then it's financial sequelae. Good luck and stay inside brother. Let the man in black robes skip your house and just fly over you.
My niece I FL had it and she’s well now. I know the virus is serious but I’m concerned the press has it overblown. I wonder how many hospitals in TN are over capacity with Covid?
My niece I FL had it and she’s well now. I know the virus is serious but I’m concerned the press has it overblown. I wonder how many hospitals in TN are over capacity with Covid?

For the grace of God I hope you are right. So far we have lost 7600 folks and have close to 1/4 million confirmed cases in the USA. That's almost 8000 folks gone in six weeks for the same reason. 70,000 dead world wide in six weeks for the same reason. 181 countries and over one million people infected. How much more do you think is enough to make this a serious matter?

It is not the press overblowing anything. Most have no clue of what the hell is happening or what is going to happen. All they have are marching orders from their producers to undermine and mortify our President.

Listen to our President and his team. They converse with America for two hours every day. Do you think they are doing this just for the ratings or to substitute the rallies?