No if I get a new jacket @sweettennbabe will hammer me then, no pink no Barbie no jacket and no helmet the widowmaker is long and black just like johnnys Cadillac
I'm thinking more of a big pink Cadillac like Elvis. Maybe Mel will donate some boots you can paint pink too. :p

Omg fng now Barbie label, moderator please delete the Barbie post label before it sticks, these guys don’t care about my feelings, I’m a biker, a real deal biker :cool: ok a truck driver but I still got feelings
Don't let Wendy know you have feelings. May God have mercy on your soul, because Wendy won't. :D
I’m excited for this years riding. I hope to make both RAA events and do a six day tour of southern TX, NM and AZ.:thumbsup: I will trailer to all of them to get the most of my biking time. WV is not that far but I’ll get to bring my NA beer and a dozen pairs of boots and five leather coats with seven pistols, one for each day.:roll:

Will I still get respect if I wear the stripper boots?;) I guess I’m still a little kid playing dress up.

Let’s live it up and do what we can cause we ain’t no young group of pups.;)

I think stb is gonna bring the stripper pole for you :whitstling: