RAA East 2020 West Virginia

After riding Brahma home on Sunday, the bike did well all the way with zero bucking or surging. The idle was not high enough to sustain combustion though unless I held a slight amount of pressure on the grip. Yesterday I went to reset the idle screw seen in Warps picture above the yellow box and found it was adjusted as far as it could go. So, as a temporary fix until another steppe motor arrives, I put some medical tape on the flat piece the idle screw hit to give enough thickness to keep the idle up. It has worked so far.
I have noticed a difference in cold idle verses hot idle on the trip home. Cold idle was fine as adjusted, but hot idle was not.

What tune Fred?
That's may be my situation as well maybe I'll just reset the adaptives and see if that straightens things out.
It's a tune I got years ago from the late Blastedbones (RIP mate). At the time he was running the same intake and exhaust as me so I used his tune. It works great with the small K&N air filters and Maddog exhaust. Seems to work OK with tors also.
That's the same tune I am running Fred. It works well. I don't have any problems and haven't touched it in years. (famous last words!!!)
It's a tune I got years ago from the late Blastedbones (RIP mate). At the time he was running the same intake and exhaust as me so I used his tune. It works great with the small K&N air filters and Maddog exhaust. Seems to work OK with tors also.

Oh heck, I knew that - just forgot - getting old
That's the same tune I am running Fred. It works well. I don't have any problems and haven't touched it in years. (famous last words!!!)
FFS.....Out for a ride with some mates this weekend and crossing an intersection the rear of the bike jumped a couple of inches and I saw something black shatter across the road in my mirror. Immediately after the throttle started to hang up. Roll off the gas and no slow down. I stopped and checked the bike over and could find nothing wrong. One of the guys ran up and said I ran over my cell phone but it was safely in my pocket. It did settle down a bit but not 100% trustworthy. I'm still on the original TPS but I've had a spare with the blue inside so maybe time to install it.

Yup, that's surely what it sounds like