Has anyone heard whether Gary made it back to Kansas yet ?
Got back yesterday my friend. Had no problems and the dog was so glad to see me he couldn't stop trying to hump me. I did develop a slight idle surge on the way home. So will be breaking out the ol'ECU toys in a couple days. It was great to put faces to avatars. Hope you heal quickly and well. Thanks for thinking of me.
Got back yesterday my friend. Had no problems and the dog was so glad to see me he couldn't stop trying to hump me. I did develop a slight idle surge on the way home. So will be breaking out the ol'ECU toys in a couple days. It was great to put faces to avatars. Hope you heal quickly and well. Thanks for thinking of me.

About twice a year my idle plays up. I hook up, download my saved program, reset the adaptives and it's good to go.
About twice a year my idle plays up. I hook up, download my saved program, reset the adaptives and it's good to go.
I plan on checking all the simple stuff first. I just put the TORS, Ramair, and Tune on right before I left. When I got to my house I had about a gallon and a half of fuel so good time to lift the tank and check hoses do a little lubrication and see if I can see what's up.
You shouldn’t have dumped her off the bike like that. Poor lady.😢

Oh NO!!!
Another incident?

What happened, Joesmoe?

Inquiring minds need to know!

I am a poet and my feet show it -
They're Longfellows!
Got back yesterday my friend. Had no problems and the dog was so glad to see me he couldn't stop trying to hump me. I did develop a slight idle surge on the way home. So will be breaking out the ol'ECU toys in a couple days. It was great to put faces to avatars. Hope you heal quickly and well. Thanks for thinking of me.
No problem bud, I'm scheduled for a update kit Monday the 29th. Until then they gave me stumble biscuits so I get to take as many naps as I want too. Already finished push mowing yesterday so I'm in horizontal relax mode :D
No problem bud, I'm scheduled for a update kit Monday the 29th. Until then they gave me stumble biscuits so I get to take as many naps as I want too. Already finished push mowing yesterday so I'm in horizontal relax mode :D
How many updates are you getting and are they going to strengthen the frame? :roll::roll:
How many updates are you getting and are they going to strengthen the frame? :roll::roll:
Ok so the surgeon said he would pretty much make a plate about the size of the one in my right side. Minus the bushing and wires in my right labrum. My wifes says when I die she is going to cremate my arse and turn the rest in for short iron.
Anyway lets get back to the important stuff like the idle surge. I learned some more from working on @Boog , bike last week.

His surge got to where it was a pretty good jerk enough to strian Hazel's neck. Anyway inside the yellow box the yellow arrow is pointing to a area that jas a spring in it. And the little area the spring allows the throttle shaft to move back and forth without the throttle cables and grip rotating. This is the idle area.
The arm that moves back and forth in the spring area. Has the roller on it the stepper motor pushes the idle cam against. Now Boog lives near the coast so there is a lot more stuff in the air like salt humidity and fine trash like sand. So his spring loaded area had no spring motion. If you held the motor you could move the throttle arm rotating the spring load setion and it was so corroded it would not return imagine the stepper motor and the ecu trying to adapt to a sticky throttle. If it didn't return to closed position the next time you turn the key on and it runs its home subroutine it would drastically change. I suspect if you take the stepper motor apart there is probably stripped gear teeth on the rack. It took me quite a while and a buch of WD40 to get the spring return working again. So I imagine if its sticky and sometimes gets locked where it is the throttle could get jumpy or as some say surging. It was a learning experience for sure.
This may sound a little weird but its the Narcotics the surgeon gave me :)
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Ok so the surgeon said he would pretty much make a plate about the size of the one in my right side. Minus the bushing and wires in my right labrum. My wifes says when I die she is going to cremate my arse and turn the rest in for short iron.
Anyway lets get back to the important stuff like the idle surge. I learned some more from working on @Boog , bike last week.

His surge got to where it was a pretty good jerk enough to strian Hazel's neck. Anyway inside the yellow box the yellow arrow is pointing to a area that jas a spring in it. And the little area the spring allows the throttle shaft to move back and forth without the throttle cables and grip rotating. This is the idle area.
The arm that moves back and forth in the spring area. Has the roller on it the stepper motor pushes the idle cam against. Now Boog lives near the coast so there is a lot more stuff in the air like salt humidity and fine trash like sand. So his spring loaded area had no spring motion. If you held the motor you could move the throttle arm rotating the spring load setion and it was so corroded it would not return imagine the stepper motor and the ecu trying to adapt to a sticky throttle. If it didn't return to closed position the next time you turn the key on and it runs its home subroutine it would drastically change. I suspect if you take the stepper motor apart there is probably stripped gear teeth on the rack. It took me quite a while and a buch of WD40 to get the spring return working again. So I imagine if its sticky and sometimes gets locked where it is the throttle could get jumpy or as some say surging. It was a learning experience for sure.
This may sound a little weird but its the Narcotics the surgeon gave me :)
What I have going is just a steady maybe 50 rpm surge up and down only at idle. Nothing near as bad as Boog was having. It also doesn't happen till the bike is warmed up. As I said earlier going to start with the simple stuff first (all that stuff should be ready for a little lube anyway) then if I have to go further I'll reload the tune and see what happen then.
At least on my r3 I think the problem is in the "adaptive" part of the ECU. Mine will works fine for a couple of months, then it's starts out taking a slightly longer time to come back to idle. That continues to get worse until it starts causing problems with low speed cornering. That's when I reload the tune and reset the adaptives. Then everything is fine again. Not sure if I even need to reload the tune. Maybe next time I'll try just reseting the adaptives. I'm thinking because I'm running a custom tune, and have the O2 sensor turned off, the ECU is trying to correct what it thinks is a problem.