RAA East 2020 West Virginia

Wow my hair has really lightened up over the years !

Edit update; Ok so you're in the loop the Naval Hospital has called twice so far this morning. I have a appointment with a surgeon tomorrow. Might need a update kit

Hopefully they do better work than whomever did the update on my rocket
Thank you for asking !

Our daughter took her to the referral doctor today -- first visit "It HURTS" -- second visit "X-ray shows a 'safe' fracture of the Ulna" -- third visit (this very afternoon) she returned home with a traditional cast and colorful purple gauze, and instructions to not get it wet.

Hopefully, in four weeks, the cast will be off and return to . . . well . . . something.
You shouldn’t have dumped her off the bike like that. Poor lady.
How about a recap of what happened for those of us not there? And give Wei a big healing hug for me.
How about a recap of what happened for those of us not there? And give Wei a big healing hug for me.
Of course Paul did not dump her off the bike but she did fall and hurt her wrist but I’ll let Paul tell the story. I was not there when it happened but they both told Sandy and I the story.
Of course Paul did not dump her off the bike but she did fall and hurt her wrist but I’ll let Paul tell the story. I was not there when it happened but they both told Sandy and I the story.
I heard there were 8, no 10 large lads that attacked Paul while he was trying to get his kickstand down. Wei was up in the yard headed inside. She saw what was going on and joined the foray with moves as fast as lightning. The song Kung-Fu fighting was playing in the background (we still have not figured out how that happened). Anyway, one guy had a 4X4 post and swung it like a baseball bat towards Paul's head. Wei blocked it with her forearm, we suspect this is where the fracture came from.
By the time the Deputies arrived, they had to call in ambulances from surrounding counties to pick up the 10 large lads who were now all in a big pile of flesh on the side of the road. Wei was helping Paul to get off his little Honda and asking if he needed some water. At least that is the story as I heard it...