All this talk about how far it is?! I live in bloomfield n.m. Just outside farmington n.m. If any of you have trouble or need anything on youre trip here or need a place to layover contact me
Riding in my backyard, As long as I've been here it still sounds good. Got an event I'll be going on here on the third of Aug. (BMWMCC 100,000 ft Ride) May want to take a page or two from their map. I'm looking forward to it. By the way if you do come this way have your camera handy, lots of scenic views you'll want to share.

Distance has never bothered me:) I like to ride rhe beast. I put 18,500 on her last year. I am still trying to figure out if I can go see a very good friend I flew with in Vietnam who lives near Ft Huachuca, AZ when I go to RRA Texas. Weather and deer season are the only issues.
Looked ft. Huachuca up on map maybe 7 frs away didnt mean any negative on my comments just looks like all was saying thats far me i say only that far ? My work schedule makes it hard to plan or go for any long rides my offer stands anyone needs anything i will do what i can for you besides if you look it up on map its only a couple of inches i just cant find the arrow that says you are here looking forward to seeing you
I am retired and just going to go till the money runs out:) At my rate with the Rocket and Ski Doo it may not be long, but it will be as good as I can make it.

Going to Quebec on the snowmobile for a couple weeks this winter and in 2015 our group (Michcanska) is going to Ontario to ride, then fly to London, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Paris, and home. We will ride rented sleds in Sweden, Finland, and Russia. All raising funds for diabetes research. That trip will probably break the bank:)
I am retired and just going to go till the money runs out:) At my rate with the Rocket and Ski Doo it may not be long, but it will be as good as I can make it.

Going to Quebec on the snowmobile for a couple weeks this winter and in 2015 our group (Michcanska) is going to Ontario to ride, then fly to London, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Paris, and home. We will ride rented sleds in Sweden, Finland, and Russia. All raising funds for diabetes research. That trip will probably break the bank:)
Rick, when i grow up i wanna be like you!:)
I am retired and just going to go till the money runs out

I'll be semi retired next week:D all that means is I work when the weather sucks and ride when it's nice. Best part is I set my own schedule. I like your theory about riding till the money runs out. As for when....I'm sure any month chosen for the event will be warmer than northern Alberta! I don't care where I go as long as its south:D