RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

Rolltiretiring post: 232588 said:
Ok Folks here is a sample of what we are working on, I know this doesn't have everyone on this sample sheet. I will post an update as numbers start to roll in or you can PM me for an updated list as to not add clutter to the thread. I will keep the list updated as they come in. If there is something I am missing let me know. Looking forward to the return of riding weather for sure! RAA9 001.jpg

Oh man, after retiring I thought I was never going to have to look at another spreadsheet :)
Ok Folks here is a sample of what we are working on, I know this doesn't have everyone on this sample sheet. I will post an update as numbers start to roll in or you can PM me for an updated list as to not add clutter to the thread. I will keep the list updated as they come in. If there is something I am missing let me know. Looking forward to the return of riding weather for sure.

Good start, Amigo.
Below are the names I have put together so far:

Handle / #in party / #of motorcycles / State of origin / approx days staying
Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket/2/1/Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 /2 /2 /Wyoming /5
Speedy / 2 / 1 / Wisconsin / 5
Nolton 2/1/Louisiana/ 6
Tripps 2/2/NY/6
Grizzdan 1/1/Washington/5
1olbull / 5 / 4 / WA & OK / 6
Mexican/ 3 / 2 / Oklahoma / 5
BREEZE / 3 / 2 / NEW MEXICO / 7
rainman / 2 / 2 / TN / 5
Bull, please add The Boss aka Oscar 2 bikes 2 people 5 days

How be dis?

Handle / #in party / #of motorcycles / State of origin / approx days staying
Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket/2/1/Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 /2 /2 /Wyoming /5
Speedy / 2 / 1 / Wisconsin / 5
Nolton 2/1/Louisiana/ 6
Tripps 2/2/NY/6
Grizzdan 1/1/Washington/5
1olbull / 5 / 4 / WA & OK / 6
Mexican/ 3 / 2 / Oklahoma / 5
BREEZE / 3 / 2 / NEW MEXICO / 7
rainman / 2 / 2 / TN / 5
The Boss aka Oscar / 2 / 2 / Tasmania / 5
Handle / #in party / #of motorcycles / State of origin / approx days staying
Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket/2/1/Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 /2 /2 /Wyoming /5
Speedy / 2 / 1 / Wisconsin / 5
Nolton 2/1/Louisiana/ 6
Tripps 2/2/NY/6
Grizzdan 1/1/Washington/5
1olbull / 5 / 4 / WA & OK / 6
Mexican/ 3 / 2 / Oklahoma / 5
BREEZE / 3 / 2 / NEW MEXICO / 7
rainman / 2 / 2 / TN / 5
The Boss aka Oscar/ 2 / 2 / Tasmania / 5
Steel / 1 / 1 / Louisiana / 5
The numbers are LOOKING GOOD! With this many we shall absolutely have to do some rape & pillage!
BTW, Since we'll in CO - will there be an official "RAA Campfire Bong"??? :eek::laugh::laugh:
I know that I shall have my official RAA jug o' Gentleman Jack!

Seriously though it looks like two or three ride groups; so, start thinking which group you prefer, "FAST" = 60-65, "Faster" = 65-70 or "FASTEST" =70+

Who carries Bluetooth cell phone in their helmets? Be nice to have at least one in each group.