RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

google motorcycle rides/roads in colo. some great rides LIZARD HEAD not to be missed in my worthless opinion. No ones riding Monday?lots of short "jogs"to take that are worthwhile

Lizard Head is on one of the planned loops.

We are riding Monday...from Idaho Springs via Aspen and arriving in time for BBQ.
I've heard of people switching cars from left to right hand steering, or vice versa. Is it hard to switch the steering on a bike? :roll:
Big Man Steel. What is happen? Trying to head to Colorado to see more Rockets maybe even some Touring models besides mine. Still don't do wheelies maybe roads won't be wet this time and you can show me how its done. LOL
Big Man Steel. What is happen? Trying to head to Colorado to see more Rockets maybe even some Touring models besides mine. Still don't do wheelies maybe roads won't be wet this time and you can show me how its done. LOL
Hope to see you there bro. I can show you how, the R3 has plenty of power to get the front end up. :D
I agree, I think we should chose someone and pm that person our cell number.
I dont recommend posting it here openly for the world to see.
I offered before and will again.Ilive in bloomfield N.M.45 minutes south of Durango colo. drop me a line /pm/email whatever enough people here trucks trailers shop tools motorcycle shop in town im good friends with.you guys need anything from me I will be there
My ECU cable wont connect. I think its bad. Would some of you people please bring one?
I will probably need to reset my adaptives.
We are trailering in.