RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

is there a name list here somewhere? just wondering if anyone is heading over from fl or on the way from fl to co... maybe i'll drag it over behind the motorhome... would be nice to share gas cost with someone...
Here is what we have so far:

Handle / #in party / #of motorcycles / State of origin / approx days staying

Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket / 2 / 1 / Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 / 2 / 2 / Wyoming / 5
Warp9.9 / 1 / 1 / Illinois / 5
Speedy / 2 / 1 / Wisconsin / 5
Nolton / 2 / 1 / Louisiana / 6
Tripps / 2 / 2 / NY / 6
Grizzdan / 1 / 1 / Washington / 5
Vanguard / 1 / 1 / Michigan / 5
1olbull / 5 / 4 / WA & OK / 6
Mexican / 3 / 2 / Oklahoma / 5
BREEZE / 3 / 2 / NEW MEXICO / 7
rainman / 2 / 2 / TN / 5
Boss aka Oscar / 2 / 2 / Tasmania / 5
Steel / 2 / 1 / Louisiana / 5
RKTNMYPKT / 1 / 1 / California / 6
Albertaduke / 1 / 1 / Calgary / ?
Skydog /4 or 6 /1 / Oklahoma / 5
R3Tex / 2 - 4 / 2 / Texas / 7
Ogre/Charlie /2 /2 / PA-FL / 5
Idaho Red Rocket / 3 / 1 / Idaho / 5
64Herald / 2 / 2/ NY-VA / 5
HELBOY/ 2 / 1 / Illinois / 5
r3gto / 2 / 1 / WA / 5
Mark / 1 / 1 / SC / 5
STRIPES/// 2 / 2 / 3
Charlie is riding his Valk from Port Charlotte. Meeting me & Vanguard near St Louis.

hmmm... trying to see if i could shake loose to do this, but not sure i want to do the long haul on the scooter... not to mention it's very handy to bring the house along... can i get an email address for charlie ,or have him ping me at teraeric@hotmail.com just to see what might be?
is there a name list here somewhere? just wondering if anyone is heading over from fl or on the way from fl to co... maybe i'll drag it over behind the motorhome... would be nice to share gas cost with someone...
Don't know which way you are coming from but if you want to drive your motorhome to Oklahoma and ride from here to Colorado you are welcome to park it here at my place, have plenty of room, there will be a big caravan leaving from Tulsa since a few members are making a pit stop here,

thanks for the offer, i'll throw it into the mix...

When do you leave from your place?
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Just a update I have the new pistons installed in the Falcon and am waiting on a ignition switch I got mine out but my clubbed finger screwed it up when I went to take it apart. It will be a little more then a week until a new one arrives. I push on Friday my sealant will arrive for the head gasket. I hope to have her ready to fire up early next week by bypassing the ignition switch. I am looking a a Sprint just in case so I can still come and see you guys Falcon or not. Of course I have my eye on a 09 Classic also I just cannot make my mind up on whether I want a different ride or another Rocket. Part of me thinks I would like a different riding style to play with. and Part of me thinks all other bikes will just feel small. I am leaning towards a different style because well its different but yet still a Triumph
Motors are like women, Warpo!
ALL are good, some better than others; BUT, variety IS the spice of life!!!
My not be your style but...

I am loving my Super Tenere. It is a Jap but it is reliable and it handles dirt great. It's fun on the pave as well. It is a wheelie machine with the traction control switched off & with it on, it could save your butt on wet roads.