RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

Handle / #in party / #of motorcycles / State of origin / approx days staying
Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket / 2 / 1 / Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 / 2 / 2 / Wyoming / 5
Warp9.9 / 1 / 1 / Illinois / 5
Speedy / 2 / 1 / Wisconsin / 5
Nolton / 2 / 1 / Louisiana / 6
Tripps / 2 / 2 / NY / 6
Grizzdan / 1 / 1 / Washington / 5
Vanguard / 1 / 1 / Michigan / 5
1olbull / 5 / 4 / WA & OK / 6
Mexican / 3 / 2 / Oklahoma / 5
BREEZE / 3 / 2 / NEW MEXICO / 7
rainman / 2 / 2 / TN / 5
Boss aka Oscar / 2 / 2 / Tasmania / 5
Steel / 2 / 1 / Louisiana / 5
RKTNMYPKT / 1 / 1 / California / 6
Albertaduke / 1 / 1 / Calgary / ?
Skydog /4 or 6 /1 / Oklahoma / 5
R3Tex / 2 - 4 / 2 / Texas / 7
Ogre /1 / 1 / PA / 5
Idaho Red Rocket / 3 / 1 / Idaho / 5
64Herald / 2 / 2/ NY-VA / 5
HELBOY/ 2 / 1 / Illinois / 5
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Holly crap, out in the middle of nowhere in Quebec for a few days and trying to catch up. Will do my best to stay in touch over the next two weeks. Missing a lot of posts being out on the snowmobile and beat up by the end of the day. Went from Les-Escoumins to Baie-Comeau today and had about 50 miles of moguls on the trail. Not sure what happened to the groomers but I need drugs for my back.....

Taking the ferry to Matane tomorrow evening.
Be careful out there Rick!!
We plan to ride both Pikes Peak and Mt Evans this trip.
We've done PP and Mt E several times, weather is a factor when you're on a bike looking down from 14000 feet. We've been in snow during August on those 14000 foot roads...
I'll be trailering (in case I get my period ). We could be in Colorado Springs Saturday night (TOE just got a new job, not sure about time off yet). What time are you heading to Pikes / Evans ? I could leave my car at the hotel in Colorado springs, then head over to Montrose on Monday morning. Would love to tag along.

Fred, we want to be at the Pikes Peak gate @ 9 am on Sunday June 22.

More info here

Logistically you have several options...

1. Leave trailer rig in Co Sprgs...ride to Pikes Peak & Mt Evans & when we go to Idaho Springs for the night, you would have to ride back to Co Sprgs (99 miles about 93 min. ride time)

Then go to Montrose from Co Sprgs on Mon.

2. Leave trailer rig in Co Sprgs...ride to Pikes Pike & back to get trailer rig...reload bike and drive to Idaho Springs (the fast way), leave trailer rig at the motel there...unload bike again & rendezvous with us (riding the slow way) and then you will be riding with us to Mt Evans & back to the motel in Idaho Springs.

Then go to Montrose from Idaho Springs on Mon.

I have compared rt times & this would work. (Helboy, it would work for you as well.)

I will add a map to this post shortly to explain the details.............

1. red-round trip to Pikes Peak
2. dark blue-reload bike on trailer & bikes will be on the same route here
3. split-green bikes, light blue trailer to Idaho Springs, then ride bike back to rendezvous point (red flag)
4. finish ride to Mt Evans & back to motel together.

NOTE: #3...there is not much difference in time here...if we throw in a quick lunch/fuel break, you may be waiting for us.
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