RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

And hopefully we never will. :D

This has been around since before my time :eek:

Speakin of memories...this thread is reminding me of the bowl of seafood chowder I got in Scotland....it was great but apparently its an American tradition to take out the bones/shells/heads/etc first.

It must cut down on prep time, though.
I just called the Rangers @ Pikes Peak to get some additional info...

The week before the HILLCLIMB (that is on Sunday June 29, 2014) they will be opening to the public with a 2 hour delay (normal opening 7:30 AM) to allow practice runs for racers.

The day before the race, will be normal hours (no practice runs).

The day of the race requires special tickets for spectator access (road not open to public that day for touring).