The other RAA's have had a cookout with donations. Then there was catering for evenings. Those were payed ahead of time with a list of those that expected to eat. R3Tex came out of his pocket on the fall RAA 8 in Texas. I dont recommend we do that again. Its not fair. Those RAA's were only 3 official days. This is one week. If we want to save money, someone should consider bringing cooking equipment for several evening meals.
Most of the food should be bought locally. If someone wants to attend and they do not ride then they can cool.
Not sure if the snow will be gone here by then, it's now officially the coldest winter in almost 40 years here, since the winter of 76-77, and in the lots that they trucked the snow to after the Blizzard of 77, the piles were so huge that there were still traces of them left beginning of June.
Not sure if the snow will be gone here by then, it's now officially the coldest winter in almost 40 years here, since the winter of 76-77, and in the lots that they trucked the snow to after the Blizzard of 77, the piles were so huge that there were still traces of them left beginning of June.