Not sure about the camping I am to **** old for that. I have seen a feller we know sleep on the sidewalk under the eve. Something about large mass quantities of Jim Beam and other elixors :D

I wonder if Steve gets a discount for sleeping on the sidewalk?
Ok I know it not Monday yet But I could not resist posting this classic.

Can anyone tell me how many days until RAA 8 ?

Can you point out Shawn our webmaster ?

Nice to put a face with a name ......

I think I met Shawn our webmaster at the bike show in Dallas. He had a lot of good looking woman all around him. :p
58 miles from my house to there. DaddyRabbit, are you out there ? If I still own a Rocket I may be lurking around but probably will not join the formal festivities. Enjoy yourselves. There are a few of you I will PM as I do want to see ya before you head home. Riding free (without constraints), hope you do too.

Pie equipment getting larger for 2013 and branching into peach, HARD cider and Mead plus possibly Absinthe for the eclectic crowd in Asheville. Gold Wings are expensive :D:D
Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd (1973) - YouTube
2013 spring meet!

WELL HEY YALL! YEAH IM BACKKKKKK....LOL...FOR A WHILE ANYWAYS. WAS WONDERING WHY ARE WE MEETING AGAIN AT MAGGIE VALLEY, SINCE WE HAVE BEEN THERE SO MUCH THAT WE HAVE SEEN AN DONE IT ALL! I SAY WE NEED A CHANGE?????:confused::confused::confused:..... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="The ***** is Back - Tina Turner - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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