It's Getting That Time

Ok, Its time for me to officially start planning the details of the RAA8, Since this is going to be the last one I host I want to make it one to remember. So I need input for all thats attending.

First Decisions I need to Make Is food.

Do we want to just fend for ourselves or do we want organized meals like in the past or a combination.

Second Is Entertainment

Do we want to bring back the karaoke for Saturday nite ? I enjoyed it last year Let me know?

I am planning on having our Tour company sponsor a bourbon tasting Friday nite to promote the launch of our Bikes, Bourbon and Bluegrass tour. Anyone interested There will be no cost associated. I will have tee shirts and patches for sale to help offset the cost. But no purchase will be required to participate.


Since alot of of us have been to the area on several occasions. My plan for the rides is to possibly have someone from American ride Maps come in an do one of their secret ride seminars that will provide the veterans information to break off into small groups and ride some roads they have never been on. For the folks new to the area we will have a 1 group ride on Saturday and Sunday. To hit some of the must do's in the area. I encourage the members that have been to the area before to venture out on their own in small groups and keep the group rides for the new captains.

Support Vehicle and other service

Since I am going down 7 day in advance the check the roads and routes and get everything ready for the weekend. Myself and Katie will be operating a fully equipped support Vehicle in the area on Saturday and Sunday. We will also be offering photography services at several of the main attractions in the area for members that want some Fine Art Prints of there visit.
I will have tee shirts and patches for sale

Does this mean YOU have RAA 8 patches made up, and I don't need to worry about them,
or are these your company patches, or a combination of both?
Do I FINALLY get a hound dog patch to add to my collection?

Tell Katie I said hi.
See ya'll in May.
Does this mean YOU have RAA 8 patches made up, and I don't need to worry about them,
or are these your company patches, or a combination of both?
Do I FINALLY get a hound dog patch to add to my collection?

Tell Katie I said hi.
See ya'll in May.

Company Patches and Shirts and yes skip You will defiantly receive your patches for your collection
This is what he ended up with

Maybe for a T-Shirt?


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this will be the first one for me but have been in the area several times as for food and entertainment I have no input as I have not been if ya need help I'll do what I can
“First Decisions I need to Make Is food.”

Basically same as before is fine with me.

Friday night we can have a cook out and Saturday night have it catered. I don’t mind letting that little restaurant next door to the motel make some money.

“Second Is Entertainment”

Whatever you chose is fine with me. I’m not a drinker but I like to watch. lol


Hmmmm I’ve never heard of someone mapping out the rides. I’m game for some different routes to ride.

“Support Vehicle and other service”

That’s cool.
steve is always good entertainment weather he is standing or laying down on the concrete :D:D:D:D