RAA 8 Attendance list

yes I plan on making it tomorrow night about dark. It is a 12 hour ride though. Guess I'm still in the market for a roommate then or if somebody else wants to swap for a single I'm still good with that. Will work it out when I get there.
Thanks for the update, (dang Mexicans LOL)

yes I plan on making it tomorrow night about dark. It is a 12 hour ride though. Guess I'm still in the market for a roommate then or if somebody else wants to swap for a single I'm still good with that. Will work it out when I get there.
Thanks for the update, (dang Mexicans LOL)

:eek::eek::eek: i booked like 2 years ago, i forgot what i had:D
they are doing wonders with cracked vertebrae now a days. My brother had a bad accident this winter and he was up walking next day with new cement in the cracks. Good luck Scott!
Yep, still at the Wally world distribution center for sure,
to much seniority to quit now,
did change shifts tho, went from weekend nights to weekend days
to get me closer to the wifes shift.
Had 4 days off tho, and that's alot of time on my hands,
so I figured I had enough time to find a part time job.
Took a "part time" job driving a trash truck that would accommodate my days off.
figured I could do the route in a day and a half,
that'd still leave enough time for riding,
and put a few bucks in my pocket for motorcycle "bling".
unfortunately, as soon as I signed on, the owner fired the other driver,
for being a dopehead / drunk, which put me doing both routes, or 4 days work.
The money ain't bad, but it sure put a damper on my plans
including the riding and vacation part, cause now folks in several towns
are wanting their trash picked up every week......
I can't leave them in a bind, So I gave my room up to my room-mate ole Lon,
and sent the stuff with Lupe.
best I can do this year guys,
i'd love to see ya'll and ride and swap a few rocket tales around the campfire,
but that'll have to wait till next time...
Ya'll ride safe and I'll see ya next year God willing...
Dang Skip

I was hoping to meet you this year....:(....But I know what it is like for someone to depend on you..

Sometimes it is hard to Manup and do the right thing.....Glad you did:D

Oh.....and that will give us someone else to talk about.....that is not there...:p

You and yours stay safe
Just looked at the weather for here and MV....:eek:

It looks like tomorrow would be a better day for me to head up there.......I don't mind the rain so much.....But Thunderstorms and Lightning is something else

If I knew I had a place to stay until Thursday...when my Roomies arrive I would head out tomorrow

Any thoughts on this one???

PS...I have been fighting my lower back since Sat night....:mad: It has been trying to go out ....or I am having Sympathy pains....for Scott...:eek:

Getting Old is not for Sissies.....
Sorry to hear you won't be there this year Skip. I'm bringing my friend from CA who is an ole' HD dude himself. Him and his bud even made the centerfold of Eastrider Rag back in the sixties. Don't work TO much Skip. Take care and know you will be missed :(