I was hoping you guys would pick either Arkansas or South Dakota. Arkansas looks good to me. The wife and I will attend. Please choose late may or early June as my wife is a college professor and will need to be administering finals in mid May. Early June is better for us.
I did some research and learned that April, May & June have the largest rainfall of the whole year in that area!
August has the least. http://www.usa.com/marble-falls-ar-weather.htm
Just Saying . . .
I be coming regardless and agree with Nolton at least a week with Monday for meet n' greet just like this year which was GREAT!!!
I would like to nominate @ROCKETHEAD for steak chef and @warp9.9 for sous chef!!!
@R3Tex PLEASE bring more!!! I am already darn near out!
Don't make me come all the way to Texas.
I did most all the gooduns in NW AR last year and can't wait to see/do it all again!
All those great twisties would be wasted in the rain.
I must admit when we were in the Ozarks in late June, 2013 we never saw rain either.
Not so true in the Smokies - where it pissed like a race horse!
What month did you vote for?
Un toro muy viejo
I think before deciding on a firm date you all should follow IDR's post and list the dates you are stuck and get get off first so we can see if any common dates pop up. Then since we started this early enough others can see if they can make any changes in there schedules to accommodate the date that most can make already. then we can do a more specific pole by week rather then a whole month it will take no time for a computer geek like Noton to make a spread sheet and see what dates are definitely put and should not even be considered. I am hoping to be retired and more flexible like 1OB is Of course I would rather ride in the south but this seems to be a decent area and more centrally located so people from the four corners have a chance to join us. I will probably be coming from Virginia with a side track to Illinois to get my bike unless I take the bike with me to Virginia. Its hard saying but the Wifey will be in Portugal the end of April so she might decide I come back from Virginia early. And well going on 33 years I usually try to follow her recommendations if you know what I mean
ALso I know sometime in the late Spring early summer there is a Triumph Dealer from Ohio that puts on a big RAT ride in the Smoky's we all should look at invading it. Just think a bunch of Triumph and then a large crew of Rocket ride in. It would be awsome!!!! Just a reminder as I want to make both of them. Retirement planning you know !!!!!!!!!