R3T Transmission Trouble

It's Finally Over With!!!

I got an email from Thiel's this morning telling me they had left a voice mail on my cell phone a couple of days ago that my bike was finished. I had loaned my cell phone to my daughter a couple days back as she had broken hers. Thiel's also had my home phone and email address but didn't try those??? Anyhow after several tries I finally got a ride to the dealer from my 81 year old mother, bless her heart!! I gave her $20 for her gasoline when we got there since it's a 50 mile round trip. It was 2:30PM and the service crew was still out to lunch??? We waited half an hour to get waited on and another half hour to get them paid and get out of there with the bike. The 20K mile service was about $143 more than the 10K was last year??? Anyhow they left me with an almost dry gas tank and I filled up at the nearest station with my digital readout showing only 18 miles till empty. It took $19 worth of 89 octane gasoline to top-off the tank before I finished riding it home. Like Yogi Berra said "it ain't over till it's over". Amen to that!!!
WOW!!!! Quite a story! So glad it worked out in the end....maybe not in the most ideal way But ya got her back and whole lot of lessons learned.......ride safe!

Okay. Now it's time to write a nice, professional letter to Triumph out lining this fiasco and see if they reply. I would add in the letter that you are formally requesting a reply including an extension of your warranty to equal the time the bike was down.

If this was the dealers fault, which it sounds like it was, for the good of Triumph as a company THEY need to know what this dealer is doing! Quite possibly Triumph might come down on them and pull their Triumph dealership and leave them to rot! Hope the bike runs okay and the transmission shifts right. Good luck and stay safe!
My detent spring is broken too

Reinie a couple quick questions to you and all:

I have an '09 standard in the shop now getting the detent spring replaced since it broke too - same symptoms as you, false neutrals and jumping out of gear. Anyway, when yours broke, did they find the broken piece? I hoped mine would be on the drain plug magnet, unfortunately not. Tomorrow they are taking off the sump - really hoping its sitting in the pan.

Just wondering where it could travel too / and DAMAGE it could do. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences? The piece we're looking for is the size of a small fish hook.

Look Back to post #47 for some ideas let you tech look also incase he has never pulled the sump before. Color pictures beat the manual everyday of the week.

Trust me...Triumph Corporate doesn't care. They screwed me and they will continue to screw others. "F" em all.