This is the reply I got from my dealer after my R3T has been sitting in his repair shop for fifteen days:
Triumph’s response is that they would like for us to remove the clutch cover and begin inspecting for damage. We will also be inspecting the detent spring and shaft. Triumph covers one hour of diagnostic time and any additional is the responsibility of the customer. Any damaged items that are found, not caused by misuse or abuse, will be covered under the stock 2 year warranty. I have the bike scheduled for late tomorrow to begin the diagnostic process. I want to caution you up front that transmission work is typically not a quick fix. Parts take roughly a week to get here after they are ordered and all inspections that Triumph requests have to be completed to fulfill the warranty process. So you may want to postpone or rearrange any travel plans or events for the immediate future. I will make every attempt to make your repair as smooth and efficient as possible.
Take care, and feel free to call me with any questions,