This is a picture of the detent spring mounted.

Now the engine is upside down in this picture but you can see the deten mechanisim mounted bejind where the clutch basket goes.

You might not notice it but the lower picture has the updated detent wheel which is a roller bearing now.
Sounds exactly like the problem I had on my 08 R3T this July. It was out of warranty and Triumph wouldn't "Goodwill" the repair.

I rode the bike for a month by holding the shift lever up with my foot while running up through the gears and by keeping my foot down on the shift lever when downshifting. Worked fine , but it got "old" after a while.

Took the radiator and front cover off, removed the clutch with a "tool" that Warp 9.9 sent me and changed the $3.50 spring. Also changed the clutch lifter shaft and lifter piece while I was at it.

If you do it yourself, buy a new Clutch Nut.
Changing out the original clutch lifter shaft was a smart move. I was on my way to Maggie Valley on my '08 R3T and the thing snapped in half as I was downshifting for a light. In comparing the original piece to the new piece I could see a significant difference in the robustness of the knuckle.
Reply from my dealer:

This is the reply I got from my dealer after my R3T has been sitting in his repair shop for fifteen days:

Triumph’s response is that they would like for us to remove the clutch cover and begin inspecting for damage. We will also be inspecting the detent spring and shaft. Triumph covers one hour of diagnostic time and any additional is the responsibility of the customer. Any damaged items that are found, not caused by misuse or abuse, will be covered under the stock 2 year warranty. I have the bike scheduled for late tomorrow to begin the diagnostic process. I want to caution you up front that transmission work is typically not a quick fix. Parts take roughly a week to get here after they are ordered and all inspections that Triumph requests have to be completed to fulfill the warranty process. So you may want to postpone or rearrange any travel plans or events for the immediate future. I will make every attempt to make your repair as smooth and efficient as possible.
Take care, and feel free to call me with any questions,
This is a picture of the detent spring mounted.

Now the engine is upside down in this picture but you can see the deten mechanisim mounted bejind where the clutch basket goes.

You might not notice it but the lower picture has the updated detent wheel which is a roller bearing now.

Do you have a build date when Triumph updated the detent wheel? 2010 is late model?
This is the reply I got from my dealer after my R3T has been sitting in his repair shop for fifteen days:

Triumph’s response is that they would like for us to remove the clutch cover and begin inspecting for damage. We will also be inspecting the detent spring and shaft. Triumph covers one hour of diagnostic time and any additional is the responsibility of the customer. Any damaged items that are found, not caused by misuse or abuse, will be covered under the stock 2 year warranty. I have the bike scheduled for late tomorrow to begin the diagnostic process. I want to caution you up front that transmission work is typically not a quick fix. Parts take roughly a week to get here after they are ordered and all inspections that Triumph requests have to be completed to fulfill the warranty process. So you may want to postpone or rearrange any travel plans or events for the immediate future. I will make every attempt to make your repair as smooth and efficient as possible.
Take care, and feel free to call me with any questions,

This is such crap! The one and only warranty item I have had the dealer replace was the same crap! I had the chrome peeling off of one of my freeway foot pegs. Very obvious peeling! My dealer said he had to put in a claim to Triumph and get an okay! What kind of garbage is this! Metric and Harley dealerships have the AUTHORITY to inspect and do the repair with out the "Mother ship" holding their hands!!! I'm glad I am my own warranty station! I will fix my own problems. I don't want the dealership anywhere around my bike!! Period!
Gotta agree with Dennis on this one. Hard to put much faith in a dealer that has your bike for 15 days and then tells you ' I will make every attempt to make your repair as smooth and efficient as possible.'
I have to tell ya Harry, I have a problem with a dealer, or a company, that takes fifteen days to even start diagnosing and opening up the bike! I know it took my dealer a almost a week to get Triumph to okay the freeway peg replacement. And that was a simple part, not a down bike!

If Triumph wants customer brand loyalty, they need to give their dealers that are in good standing and not high on warranty claims some leeway in starting legitimate repairs on their own! I know Harley has to give the dealer an okay on a large repair such as an engine or transmission replacement under warranty, but the dealer can open up the bike and check it out before calling Harley. I'm sure the metrics are the same way.

And then to add insult to injury,,,, Triumph only allows a specified amount of labor time to the dealer for inspection and diagnosis while a bike is under basic warranty! The rest is on the customer!! That's crazy in and of it's self! What kind of a motorcycle have I bought myself here! :rolleyes: