One use of the snorkel is to keep water out of the air filter. I rode through some fairly deep water last year and some of it came in the top of the air filter. If I would have had the snorkel in place, the top of the filter would have been sealed off. The water did not get to the motor.
You rode through water as deep as your ars?! Why on earth ...... did you drain the rear diff?, bleed the brakes? change the oil? .... if the water was that high, there is more to be concerned about than just the air filter getting a little wet. :eek:
You can splash water on an air filter all day long, it wont do any damage. An engine will ingest water as a spray safely until it dies from extinquished combustion. The damage occures when water is sucked in volumes large enough to stop the pistons upstroke due to hydraulic lock. Since fluid does not compress like gas, it has no where to go and stops the piston, damaging the piston, rod or whatever gives out first. Just getting the filter wet from rain or splash will not do this. Hell, a spray of water called "water injection" is sometimes used to cool the combustion temps in turbos. So just getting the filter wet will not harm the engine at all. Bottom line is ... you have to submerge the intake in water to damage the engine.
hellfire is right about the water ingestion. i have taken a 4 wheeler through a pond or two. with water up to the gas tank. as long as the tires are spinning you will keep moving .but once you let off it will roll over witch ever way your leaning. And when that happens you got to get it back on shore stand it up on the back and dump all the water out of the intake. remove the plug and crank it to get all the water out.

now water injection is also great on diesel trucks that pull big loads. the water is sprayed in the intake and it keeps the turbo under 1300 deg. AEM makes a kit with 1 or 5 gallon water reservoir. also you can use windshield washer fluid in it to give it a little extra boost from the glycol alcohol.