R3T Ignition switch faulty won't start.

I'm not certain that the fog lights go through the ignition switch like the head light does. I bought my 2010 Touring used and could see where one wire under the seat had been burned and patched, so the first thing I did was get and install an Eastern Beaver relay that puts the headlight directly to the battery and removes the ignition route altogether. Then I installed lower wattage LED bulbs anyway. I have not had any issues since.
Decosse would be a final authority on this, though.
Neither of them go through the ignition switch on the Touring.

And Ted, you're in good company -- best to remember the Rocket is an amazing machine worth some TLC.

You would be money ahead at this point to contact @DEcosse and purchase his latest edition keyless ignition. Plug-n-Play it is on our bikes, and the best thing since sliced bread, as long as one remembers to change the battery in the remote every spring.
@Joesmoe is correct, the Aux bulbs rating does not increase the load through the key-switch (however if the Main Headlight bulb had higher wattage, THAT would do it)

You would be money ahead at this point to contact @DEcosse and purchase his latest edition keyless ignition.

Appreciate the plug - but would have only been "money ahead" had he purchased BEFORE spending $600 CDN on Switch plus installation!

A very simple key-switch bypass option is detailed here - R3T Eastern Beaver mod
Really haven't seen many touring lose the ignition like the early rockets. Must be a fluke.

My 2010 Touring's is going, have to fiddle with it a bit to start, Decosse on the way.