R3T--Fastest Production Touring Bike On Earth?

Having been to North GA and the Rockies in my mind there is no comparison when it comes to our bikes. Less down shifting equals more time to ejoy the view
Fastest "production" touring bike...that would actually be the Gold Wing I am sad to say. I love the R3T and it is as fast as I need a bike to be but the Gold Wing is pretty hard to beat with that 4 spkr stereo, cruise control, heated seats and grips, trunk and don't forget the reverse gear (very handy in a 800+lb bike). Horse power GW=119 HP versus R3T = 107 HP but the R3T does overwhelm the Gold Wing in torque...GW=125 ft/lbs versus R3T= 154 ft/lbs (if I remember right). In an ideal world...I would have both.

I have both a GW and a R3T. Just got the R3T so comparisons will come after this Nebraska winter. It did hit 60 today but tonight back below zero.

I can say I like both for their own unique styles.
I think the Kaw C14 does a 1/4 at about 11 seconds.
yeah, baby!

WOW now thats what Im talkin about AINT nobody messin with that bad ass bagger
Is that a way to say two old fat people?

For normal sized folks, the 1400 Connie and the BMW K1600 are likely the winners. The R3T is only the winner in a very limited definition of touring bike. Hell, back in the day a duffel bag strapped to a Triumph 650 turned it into a touring bike.
IVE tested both and dont care for them they are both very hot in the summer WHEW But I do enjoy outrunning them with my modded Rocket
I may have to agree about the BMW 1600...just have never ridden one. But my original comment (without thinking of the BMW 1600) is still valid, the topic was fastest "production" touring bike and that means, to me, no mods, just out of the crate. Now if you start going into the "sport touring" segment...I don't have a pick.

I may have to agree about the BMW 1600...just have never ridden one. But my original comment (without thinking of the BMW 1600) is still valid, the topic was fastest "production" touring bike and that means, to me, no mods, just out of the crate. Now if you start going into the "sport touring" segment...I don't have a pick.

WELL the R3T has the advantage of doubling its HP 165+ with just a pipe and a retune and none of the other bikes can match that in fact the BMW pipe change only makes 2 HP over stock for $3800 SO thats a major consideration when comparing bikes The R3T is a sleeping giant with amazing potential just a little retune will awaken the beast
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:confused:Errr ... Lupe would you like to borrow my glasses the thread title says "R3T -- Fastest Production Touring Bike On Earth":p:D:roll::roll::roll:
Define TOURING bike.

Things like the ST1300 - Triumph Sprint and Trophy - Guzzi Norge are also touring bikes. So are several beemers. These are full blown tourers - Not Sports Tourers. Just not bagger/cruiser style. It still annoys me BIG TIME that there is no faired Rocket. (I really must do something about that). Also I'd be quite happy to tour on a Sports Tourer if I was riding solo. I have. If there are serious bends - they're far easier to push hard. It's almost certain that when the time comes to change bike - it'll be a Trophy/Norge type.

As for FAST - In touring mode this is time point A to point B. So it will depend 100% on the road. A lot of the adventure style bikes would leave an R3 WAAAAAY behind in the Alps. It's chassis simply is not nimble enough. It's NO surprise (to me) that lots of the guys in the EU who do serious mileage (off motorway) use adventure bikes. We have these things called bends.

And add that the R3 has to stop every 220k's or so probably more often if you REALLY hit the gas. Think you'll find that a bike that's slightly "slower" on paper but with greater tank range will take it. Why, because you can simply maintain a constant speed - one you are comfy at - mine happens to be about 80-90mph. Back in the '80's I did a trip with others (I generally travel alone). Took a good 20% longer to get to places I'd already done (and planned accordingly) because they kept having to stop for fuel. I was on an OLD Guzzi - they were on more modern bikes - Kawa750turbos etc.

The R3 is QUICK (acceleration), FAST (top speed) - but if you have to do say 2000miles I think it'd eventually lose out to bikes with greater range. A bike with say a 500mile range and top speed of say 100mph - would lose just about anything on a Loooong run.

Actually I've seen this - one year on a trip from here to the ferry port in Santander. Filling up there was a guy on a GB plated bike next to us also filling. We set off in a little 2.0Tdi car at max 140kph (mostly 125ish - kph) - He shot past us - but we still made it to the ferry in front of him. He'd stopped twice for fuel - we still had 1/2 tank. The look on his face was priceless - he walked over and having established we spoke English asked if we'd taken a short cut - we'd used exactly the same roads.

With passenger - Well I bought the R3 simply because it's spacious for two - And most of our trips are under 200kms each way. i.e. one tank. That or the boss wants a ciggie stop anyway.

An example - My ex-Buell S3T was comfy - was fast enough to ride at comfort over the speed limit all day - had great handling and a 300km range tank - but only solo - too small for two. Barely 90bhp. But only 207kgs.
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OK guys, here is my touring bike, it has bags, gps bag, cell phone charger, undersized sprocket for more relaxed engine speed at high speeds, does it count as a touring?
Can see no reason why not, Lupe - When I caught the ferry home from the UK this year there were a "mature" couple setting off for a round trip of Spain - on matching 400cc scooters. Actually if we're honest - they were probably going to travel more comfortably than they would have on many bikes. Especially if it got wet.