From what I've heard the K1600 runs low 11's and sub 3 second 0-60. With 160 crank horsepower and 750 lbs it will run away and hide from the R3T I'd suspect. Remember a stock R3T dynos at around 90-100 horsepower while the BMW puts something like 130 to the rear wheel.
I had to have the K1600 when it first came out. I traded my R3T and my K1300S for it. On paper it looked like a great compromise. Lots of sport. Very comfortable.
In reality, it was a great disappointment.
By the end of the first week of ownership, I knew I'd screwed up. I'd traded a really hot sporty bike (the K1300S) that was reasonably comfortable, and the king of the torquers (the R3T) that was VERY comfortable, for a limp wristers ST1100 on Steroids.
My K1600 was NOT comfortable. It was NOT quick. It was not super in the twisties. I would come back from rides and think to myself "Man, those are the best saddlebags any man has ever loaded. My what great weather protection. These are the coolest gadgets that have ever been put on a motorcycle." I never came back thinking "Wow, what a great visceral thrill I got when my bellybutton came out on the back side."
I bought in December of the year they came out. I went through three different seats, including a Russell, trying to get comfortable. And by the end of the Summer, I'd traded it back to a BMW dealer for a new K1300S and cash back to me. I was happy immediately.
But I still missed the R3T, and by Mid Fall, I'd found another one like the one I'd traded away, and I was truly happy at an even higher level.
The R3T is the kind of bike that either calls your name, or it doesn't. If you get the call, it is persistent and won't let you go. I'm on my third one now. There's nothing this side of a Brough Superior or Vincent Black Prince that will come close.
As for the Gold Wings, I can't get comfortable on those suckers either. Gold Wings are like cars with crappy safety and weather protection. They're not like bikes.
There is no doubt that the R3T beats it for torque. As torquey as the Wing is, the Rocket is torquier.
I suppose your mileage may vary ... but I've owned a heck of a lot of these so called touring and sport touring bikes. If you want a Rocket, there's nothing else out there that comes close.