So I got the cable, downloaded and installed software and drivers.....I am now ready to connect and flash this tune to the ECU.......questions......
Do I uncheck or leave checked the O2 box?
I am running stock with nothing else but a GIPro which is turned off and has become an expensive gear indicator
Next question...........
After downloading tune........Do I reset adaptives first then reset the TPS or other around or does it not matter?
Do I need to pull the headlight fuse on the R3T? Thought I read somewhere that you cant because it ties into the ECU...not sure though
And seems I have been reading and it appears that it is not necessary to do a 12 minute tune.(when using reset adaptives)...true or not?
So If I have this right.......Download tune....reset TPS.....reset adaptives......start bike and ride!!!! Sound right?