R3T derestricting

ABS has no connection to what the engine is doing. And the hardware hasn't changed at all (or minimally) from 2008 and on. Same air intake, same exhaust, same engine. So the tune is fine on anything from the first model year Touring and up. Triumph hasn't really changed them.

Now, the ideal would be to put the map in and then find a knowledgeable guy with a dyno to fine tune the thing further but it should work just as well on your 2015 as a 2008.
Sounds good. Glad to get the answer from you all before I had to admit screwing it up. Soon as cable gets here I'm on it.
Does this map work also on the R3T 2014 California bike?

Ok have the LONETEC cable in hand and am about to start the process. When opening Tuneecu on my phone it says the map is 20368 on the bottom of the screen. Thats the correct one for a 2015 R3T? I have read both and the link in the beginning is no longer there. I downloaded it from tomhamburg.net \custom t tunes \ rocket III touring\ last one in the section. Comes up as the following when you see the link properties.......
Yeah, that seems to be the correct file.

You might want to upload the existing map from the ECU to tuneecu and save it as a "my-stock.hex" or whatever you wanna call the file, just in case. It should be a stock map that you can get elsewhere, but can't hurt to have a backup.
OK starting the process now.....

20368 is the same base map as my Cali bike
The speedometer should also be more accurate now, mine matches pretty much 100% with the GPS. Congratulations. You should find that the 4000 rev "limit" it had before is just gone, it will rev cleanly to 6000 pulling like a freight train all the while, the way a Rocket should. :-D
And I'm still stuck -- Toshiba Satellite laptop -- thought I would nail it with the "Show hidden devices" -- and no hidden devices are shown.

I did note that that the FTDI driver allows one to assign a COM port, and when I did so, I see a message that "COM 3 is taken". So when I launch Tune ECU, it's locked on COM 3, but so far, I've found nothing in the operating system to show me COM 3, much less manipulate it.