R3T derestricting

I will e-mail them now. I once road a beautiful lipstick red Ducati, most uncomfortable F'ing thing I have ever ridden, hurt every part of my body....except my ears!! It had their after market pipe on it. I told the salesman thanks but no thanks, but I would take a six-pack of that beautiful Ferrari sound. You got my attention!

Thanks. BTW...ever done a sound bite of your bike. If so, would love to hear it.


I did a YouTube a couple years ago but it has been removed.

Thanks a bunch for the link, info and photo. Looks like I a choice which is a nice feeling. I will contact them both. I have never called the outback. Can it be done from a cell or ? I really like the idea of going full system takes out the clog up front. Think I should wait for warranty to be over? Honestly I really don't want to....but might be the adult thing to do...
Check out Carpenter racing.com they have 2 exhaust systems that fit the R3T and will produce 165 to 175 RWHP
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Check out Carpenter racing.com they have 2 exhaust systems that fit the R3T and will produce 165 to 175 RWHP
There are a couple of things that hold me back on the carpenter full pipe. First, the browning of the stainless or the maintenance to keep it otherwise. Second, it honestly not a great looking pipe. Anytime I spend money on this bike I want it to be a big improvement both in form and function. In my opinion the best looking full system I have seen so far ins't being built anymore and that's the Jardine's. Right now I am leaning toward the CES. But I am just starting my search.

Have you looked at my system R4me ?
One thing to watch with the Carpenter system is you will burn your legs with them in place. My system is set up for road going bikes so has a baffle tube fitted, is designed to run with Air Filters fitted and is tucked in tight with ample leg clearance.
These systems are finished in a high temp Coating by www.hpcoatings.co.nz ,
The coating is available in either "polished Aluminium" or Satin Black with an internal ceramic heat barrier coating for heat and flow control.
The coating has a three year warranty and won't dis-colour or burn off.
No modifications are required to the bike to fit this header.

Also my system is very cleanly built with no ugly welds through the length of the pipes.
This photo below shows a system that has a reducer to plug into your stock system, or any aftermarket slip-on system that you may have.
If at a latter date you wanted to up grade to either a single Viking muffler, or a twin system, you simply remove the reducer and slide the new rear end system on.

In development at present is a system with two mufflers, this will also be set up for the Touring models.

Contact; paul@vikingexhaust.com
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Thanks for the photos and info. Do you do one that fits under the bags on an R3T? What size is your tubing? Do you do a full system with muffler? What tune do you use with the R3T? What is the price for full system?


Does the ceramic work as well as the heat shields? Looks really nice. A dual muffler system would be the bomb for an R3T.
Thanks for the photos and info. Do you do one that fits under the bags on an R3T? What size is your tubing? Do you do a full system with muffler? What tune do you use with the R3T? What is the price for full system?


Hi J, I've only just started building these Rocket Exhaust systems, tho' I have been developing them for over a year. (My back ground is Research and Development Engineering and Tool Making)
I've got the "Stock header" replacement done and the 3 into 1. My next project is a 3 into 2 system for both the Classic and the Touring, including the Roadster of coarse.
I have a friend close by who has a Touring so will use that to set the system up on, this would have ample clearance for the bags and would be a complete "bolt on kit" as all my systems are.

See www.vikingexhaust.com for my 70's British bike systems, this will also show the quality of my work.

The header pipes are 1 5/8" O.D. Tune and price yet to be determined but I would estimate around the NZ$2800.00, US$1887.00 mark, plus shipping (again yet to be determined)

I've started this project but have put it on the back burner as I am absolutely flat out at present with both my Classic (70's) systems and these new Rocket systems.
I will be picking this up again in the new year.

And Dougl, the internal heat barrier coating works very well retaining the heat, heat shields are on the agenda for next year as well as people are asking for them. Having said that, feed back that I have received has said absolutely no problem with heat on their legs.

