Not what I have in mind, I do want motorists to hear me before they don't see ME .

Will your pipes be facing forward for the maximum effect. If not, the ones most likely to hear you are the ones behind you, you know, the ones that you have already passed. With today's vehicles, everything being air conditioned, few people drive around with their windows down, add in the the better insulation, and once again, to get the noise into them, it will have to be very loud. Or at least that is my take on the practicality of loud pipes. Maybe I am wrong, but maybe not.

Bob, I don't know what some of my fellow bikers got and my suv is 2012 model . I hear these bikes from different angles with Windows up ,ac, radio. Its a matter of opinion I guess. I need louder pipes than triumph slip ons,, I know its out there. The reason for this post is to find it.
A lot of those V-twin type riders put on pipes that essentially have no guts, more of a straight pipe than anything else. I fully understand your desire to be heard, that is the reason I put a Stebel Nautilus on mine. It gets plenty of use. I really haven't heard an R3 with pipes as obnoxious loud as some of the V2 riders have. The R3 aftermarket products are pretty slim, especially if they do more than pretty up the bike. You may have to gut a set of stock pipes to get the sound you are looking for. If you are anywhere near eastern Washington (USA) I will give you a set to play with.

Bob I appreciate it , I'm in texas but I may take you up on ur offer, if so I'll gladly pay for shipping, my bike rocket has plenty power, so sound would satisfy me,, if I had a second set t would definitely gut .
I liked my straight pipes with out baffels everyone as a opinion there like butt holes everyone has one and they all stink

Well, your right to be loud doesn't trump other people's rights to not have their ears assaulted. Overly loud bikes are a pet peeve of mine, it's such an unnecessary way to stir up the rage of the non-riders, and it really does.
Well, your right to be loud doesn't trump other people's rights to not have their ears assaulted. Overly loud bikes are a pet peeve of mine, it's such an unnecessary way to stir up the rage of the non-riders, and it really does.

Like I said everyone has there own thoughts on loud and thats your thought not everyone so make them sound as you want those that heard mine said it was loud and it was and could be heard I'm sure by other cars with windows up and was louder than any V twin I have heard but thats me I dont mine it loud you do thats you does that mean I'm right and your not or your right and I'm not nope just different strokes for different folks and if I want it loud yes it is my right to have it loud I bought it I own it I ride it not you
it is my right to have it loud

Often time that "right" as you call it, is trumped by state laws on noise or modifying exhaust systems. As long as you are willing to take the heat if stopped and given a ticket, more noise to you!!!

I don't think a lot of these laws just happened to come into being because there was nothing else going on in the legislative bodies that day, but more likely in response to an issue that caused enough people to complain to their law makers so they decided to take action.

I'm not a fan of loud, just to be loud, but for the sake of performance, my Rocket is pretty loud. But I live and ride in rural areas, not sure if I bother many people. My other 4 bikes are pretty quiet.
I'm not a fan of loud, just to be loud, but for the sake of performance, my Rocket is pretty loud. But I live and ride in rural areas, not sure if I bother many people.

I think that is the key, loud to be loud doesn't do much for me. If in the pursuit of happiness (more power) I need to go louder to ensure the engine is moving enough air, then that is what is needed, within reason. I am not sure what this big ole 3 banger would sound like with straight pipes, not sure I want to know. ;)

Yes I will pay if I'm fined but have yet to have any problems in any state yet if your riding they tend to leave ya be if your bring a *****then you are asking for it