Evap system??

Weirdness since the re-tune.

It only happens when I fill up. I climb a hill, about 3/4 of a mile long, about 5-6% grade on the way home. If the gas tank is full, to the top, about halfway up the hill the bike starts to stumble, doesn't run right at all. The speed limit up the hill is 60mph.

If I give it more fuel, it still stumbles, but runs a little better. This stumbling will last about 15 seconds of so, about the middle of the climb.

I am loafing along in 5th gear.

After about 15 sec, it starts to run, and respond, and everything is all right. When it starts to stumble., I will tighten down the fuel cap a couple of clicks, not sure if that really does anything.QUOTE)

I haven't run into this with the bikes, but plenty in cars. My R3T (was) equipped with the mandatory calif emissions which included the evap system. Considering the year of yours, I'm sure it has the evap system also. I removed the canister and now allow all those horrid evaporative emissions to exit like they did on vehicles since whenever. BTW I only did this to make room for my horns which are mounted under the LH side cover in the spot previously occupied by the canister.:D
If you fill your bike as you say, it is possible with expansion that you are overtaxing the charcoal canister, and when the computer system says "purge" it is overfueling the bike. This makes sense, because you stated that it ran better when you accelerated, requiring more fuel, which in turn would make the "overfuel" situation slightly better and smooth it out a bit.
Do you continue to fill the tank after the pump kicks off the first time? If so try this simple remedy.....stick the pump nozzle at least 2" into the fill opening and as soon as the pump kicks off, stop filling. This allows a bit more room for expansion without allowing liquid fuel into the charcoal canister. Hope this helps, let us know.
I searched the threads and didnt find this addressed anywhere but I have a question about GIPro. Will I have issues with the engine timing when using this tune with the GIPro hooked up? Should I change the setting or totally disconnect it? I currently have the GIPro on setting 3 which advances the timing in the first 3 gears. Forgive me if this has already been addressed I just thought it might be a legitimate question. :confused:

The GiPro ATRE doesn't advance anything. In your case it makes the ecu think it's in a higher gear all the time and you get whatever timing there is in that gear in the other gears. Wayne's tune changes the timing. Since Wayne is a great tuner, you should probably disable the ATRE feature.
I haven't run into this with the bikes, but plenty in cars. My R3T (was) equipped with the mandatory calif emissions which included the evap system. Considering the year of yours, I'm sure it has the evap system also. I removed the canister and now allow all those horrid evaporative emissions to exit like they did on vehicles since whenever. BTW I only did this to make room for my horns which are mounted under the LH side cover in the spot previously occupied by the canister.:D
If you fill your bike as you say, it is possible with expansion that you are overtaxing the charcoal canister, and when the computer system says "purge" it is overfueling the bike. This makes sense, because you stated that it ran better when you accelerated, requiring more fuel, which in turn would make the "overfuel" situation slightly better and smooth it out a bit.
Do you continue to fill the tank after the pump kicks off the first time? If so try this simple remedy.....stick the pump nozzle at least 2" into the fill opening and as soon as the pump kicks off, stop filling. This allows a bit more room for expansion without allowing liquid fuel into the charcoal canister. Hope this helps, let us know.

I will try that. I do have the evap cannister, when I went to mount my horns under the side cover, I said,"Self, that frickin cannister sure takes up a lot of room". Besides removing the cannister, what other stuff has to come off to get rid of it, if anything.

I will try that. I do have the evap cannister, when I went to mount my horns under the side cover, I said,"Self, that frickin cannister sure takes up a lot of room". Besides removing the cannister, what other stuff has to come off to get rid of it, if anything.


I had problems with the evap system on my TBird. The bike was stalling randomly at speed. They finally nailed the problem as the evap system. A line was crimped and one of the valves was plugged. When the engine is on, a valve in the canister opens allowing absorbed vapors to be fed back into the throttle bodies. On the T-Bird, there is one nipple on each throttle body. So they ripped the entire system out on my bike and haven't had any issues since. The line from the tank now ends under the bike instead of going to the canister, as with all non-California bikes. The nipples on the throttle bodies need to be plugged. With the TBird, connecting them with a single tube will work.
still tryin

Man this is unreal - so I have the drivers stored in a directory, I went through the updating drivers scenario with out IT guy today so I hook up with without internet connected and don't see the cord listed under 'other devices' how do I know how to identify the cord to update the drivers? It doesn't show up as a device in the usb list - this is the most retarded thing I have ever seen and I'm actually not bad with computers, I've tried all the tutorials and am at a total loss - fortunately my bike runs great with the stock tune, how you guys got this to work is totally beyond me - could my cord be faulty? :confused:
It sounds like a bad cable. Not uncommon, unfortunately. I have 10 bad cables sitting on the shelf that I could not return, and will be removing the connector to make very good cables.

You do not want the blue cable. You want the silver cable with blue ends.

Better yet, order an actual FTDI cable from Mouser.com and build a very good cable using the OBD connector you currently have.
Has to be Wayne device manager looks the same plugged in or not. Crescent are sending me another so hopefully?

Finally was able to connect bike to laptop (replacement cord) haven't tried it yet on the road. One thing to watch out for though, there was no reset tps option, just reset adaptations. Will post review of tune later today
Glad it finally worked out for you. If nothing else, you should know your way around the downloads and troubleshooting of the cables by now.

That's true Bob lol what a way to learn. Well took her out for a 20 mile jaunt and so far I really like it - not sure how much of it psychological but the motor just sounds happier somehow - exhaust note a little fatter, but pulls much stronger in the higher gears, not feeling the urge to change down so much. I set the fan temp to 101 instead of 103 I get the impression that the motor is running slightly cooler but its too early to really tell, same goes for the fuel consumption. So far, impressed Wayne knows his stuff !