
May be too late as I tried to auto detect (computer showed me device was working correctly), I don't think you can go back once windows has auto detected, this is really getting a bit beyond me to be honest, I appreciate the help though :rolleyes:
you may want to try to a system restore to your computer to a time before you let the computer autodetect. The way I understand it, you have to have the computer disconnected from the internet when loading the drivers. It has been a while since I did mine, but I read and reread the instructions several times, and although they sounded complicated, I was surprised at how easy it was to accomplish. Good Luck.

You can also read through this thread, it may help you out some.

TuneECU Cable Caution - Triumph Forum: Triumph Rat Motorcycle Forums

Thanks bob actually after reading that I think I'm less inclined to want to mess with it I think the cable is going back to amazon
I did pull the cable apart and it does have the right chipset but came with no disc, some did evidently......?
You need to uninstall whatever was put on there by the auto detect. Then using the links from earlier, download the drivers for the cable. Print out the instructions for loading the drivers, disconnect from the internet and give it a whirl. Barring that, I know there are some members from Michigan, perhaps if they aren't too far away from you, you could see if they would be willing to help you out. If you want to ride to WA, I will give you a hand. ;) :)


So I did a system restore back to Friday - don't get the windows driver panel up as the usb detected the cord and said it is working properly - still no connection to the ECU, basically a waste of time - back to Amazon it goes for sure, just a pos IMHO - thanks for trying Bob
Weirdness since the re-tune.

It only happens when I fill up. I climb a hill, about 3/4 of a mile long, about 5-6% grade on the way home. If the gas tank is full, to the top, about halfway up the hill the bike starts to stumble, doesn't run right at all. The speed limit up the hill is 60mph.

If I give it more fuel, it still stumbles, but runs a little better. This stumbling will last about 15 seconds of so, about the middle of the climb.

I am loafing along in 5th gear.

After about 15 sec, it starts to run, and respond, and everything is all right. When it starts to stumble., I will tighten down the fuel cap a couple of clicks, not sure if that really does anything.

I fuel in the AM, nice and cool, and then the bike sits for the day in the sun, heating up, probably a 30 degree temp difference. I takes me about 5-10 minutes, in traffic, to get to the hill. It runs fine up until that point.

Any ideas, anyone??

I searched the threads and didnt find this addressed anywhere but I have a question about GIPro. Will I have issues with the engine timing when using this tune with the GIPro hooked up? Should I change the setting or totally disconnect it? I currently have the GIPro on setting 3 which advances the timing in the first 3 gears. Forgive me if this has already been addressed I just thought it might be a legitimate question. :confused: