R3 TFC all carbon

Yes, one CAN have too much carbon. Personally, I find carbon parts kinda' old, but to each their own......
Isn't the point to shave off weight? Looking good is just a benefit. I can't afford to look that good.
If you are swapping metal parts for carbon, yes you get decent weight savings between the original and the CF. Not so much with plastic parts. When I swapped my dual exhaust end cap I weighed it for the fun of it, and the metal was 750gm, the carbon replacement was 165gm. So in swapping all my parts out, I had the two exhaust caps and the air intake plenum in metal. I may have saved a kilo in total. If you want to save more, losing the catalytic converter box is probably the biggest saving you can easily make...
The bike already runs a Comp Werkes exhaust... Triumph Rocket 3 Slip-On Exhaust | 2020+