I think I broke 30 once .... that was while riding with friends on Hardly's slowing me down.
i have a 08 classic i bought new in 09 and only 3500 miles on it. i get 31-33 all day fast slow and on the highway with me or 2 up. i'm getting beetle bags paintd now just waiting for to get done. i'm pleased with the mpg but i'd like to know how your getting 40's.
A stock bike with 50psi tires, 100lb rider, ridden down hill under 40mph in a 50mph tail wind should get 40's :rolleyes:.
just filled up again, this time a little over 36, half the tank was riding two-up, not too much riding in town, I did hit 90 a time or two on the interstate. I think I could see getting 40 mpg with it at times, not that it would be much fun :) thanks for your replies!
06 Classic with Cat Bypass and Tors and get about the same as Rainman on the highway at 70 mph gets me about 38 mpg. Rompin on it and around town.............don't know but its an impressive machine for burning fossil fuels. Skip keeps his in the high RPM's so his gas mileage is an abstract number:D
30-32 mpg when I'm just putzing around on my everyday, "local" (100 mile radius),backroad runs. 35- 38 mpg on the superslab. I do like to twist the wick from time to time. Currently running a 225-55 16 CT on the rear and she has those Mad Dog, Aussie aftermarket pipes, which do run a bit more efficiently than the stockers.

Oh yeah, and I switched to 87 octane fuel (from the recommened 89) about a month or so ago and she runs better than before the switch!