Quick Release Sissy Bar is comming - Who wants one?


Is this deal still in play? I don't know how I missed it but if I am able to still put my name in and get one please count me in.

I bought two but only need one. I'll share one of mine if need be.
Thanks Stripes, I will let you know if I need to make the deal when I hear from Mittzy. I put a trunk on mine so being able to take it off without removing the world would be fantastic.
Hey Trapper that's fine if you want to get one from Stripes. But if you want one from me is fine too. ...either way I'm easy.
Thanks Stripes, I will let you know if I need to make the deal when I hear from Mittzy. I put a trunk on mine so being able to take it off without removing the world would be fantastic.


I don't know if you would be interested but if you end up ordering from Mittzy would you want to have our orders shipped together since we both are in Co Springs? Depending on the cost of shipping we could save a little $$ that way.

I guess i need a little help on which way to go. If stripes needs to get someone to take the extra one he has that will work fine but if he wants to keep it I am ready to get it from Mittzy. If thats the way it goes then I think shipping them together is a great idea And it should be less expensive that way.

X2 on what trapper said are there any more of the brackets available?


Hi Kenny,
I your in luck... One of the other guys had to withdraw his order. so its yours if you want it. see posts #91 AND #103

Hey Trapper, get the other one from stripes would be best if he doesn't really require two sets...