Quick Release Sissy Bar is comming - Who wants one?

Thanks, guys. Apparently Paypal temporarily has me locked down for a period on payments to Australia....... I just sent money for the Reband pipes a couple of days ago. They told me to try again in another 24 hours.
I have the Edge Ghost brackets for my saddle bags. Will the bracket work with that?

Steel, the diameter of the post where the saddle bag brackets would fit onto is 13mm.
I don't know what the ghost brackets even look like.
I should have mentioned this before - About the Paypal payment.... When you do it.. Can you select "receiver to get this amount" as I get a $7.87 fee for the payment. Do not worry if you have already made payment, I'll wear that, but all others that are yet to pay - can you please accommodate this. Thanks.
Thanks Tony. I doubt the quick release would accommodate both the backrest and bags on a quick release system together.
Thanks Tony. I doubt the quick release would accommodate both the backrest and bags on a quick release system together.

man use your tool box !! and make it fit .
I plan on modifying further the bolts to fit a K drive saddlebag system already mounted on mine and that is the joy of uniqueness
I should have mentioned this before - About the Paypal payment.... When you do it.. Can you select "receiver to get this amount" as I get a $7.87 fee for the payment. Do not worry if you have already made payment, I'll wear that, but all others that are yet to pay - can you please accommodate this. Thanks.

I paypaled couple of days ago can you confirm your received the funds.
There are still some who have not paid nor made contact as yet.. I will PM these guys. Thanks to all who have made payment. I will call the manufacturer in the morning for an updated ETA.

="Mittzy, post: 226288, member: 3630"]OK... Prices are in...
QR Bracket kit sipped to the US is $222.50 AUD (Shipped to R3Tex and then on to you)
Same kit shipped within Australia $192 (Express Posted)

The kit includes:
1 Left Bracket (316 Stainless Steel)
1 Right Bracket (316 Stainless Steel)
2 sets of front posts
2 sets of rear posts
2 Stainless Steel rear bolts
2 Front bolts Hopefully zinc plated (But I can only find them in black steel)
I think I might just get the black steel bolts and paint them silver (Rattle Can) and if the guys want to investigate other bolts down the track - they can.
Having said that If I find a better alternative I will go that way.

My paypal email is: tony@vasa.com.au Include your nick name (ie Mittzy) and your full name.
I would also require your shipping address so Tex can forward on within the US.
The fabricator said 2 weeks, but that could be shortened.
I would like to have all the US buyers settle the payment prior to shipping unless prior arrangements have been made.
Check the list on the first post to make sure your name is on the list.[/quote]